
Adventure Pigs

Adventure Pigs Adventure Pigs Adventure Pigs

Adventure Pigs! Do you have a pig who is up for every adventure?  Kayaking, camping, canoeing, hiking?  Then your adventure pig deserves to be rewarded.  It’s so special to have the amazing connection that is strong enough to motivate your pig to come along on all your great adventures.  If this is something you would like to be able to achieve with your pig, then we suggest harness and leash training, come/recall training, leave it, sit, and stay or wait

When you go on these great adventures with your pig you are increasing that respect and loyalty.  You are teaching your pig to be flexible and accepting of new places, people, and schedules.  You are training your pig to be more manageable and well behaved.  All the while, you are offering the ultimate level of socialization.

When you are out on your adventures, take some video.  If you are video savvy, you can edit several adventures into one video.  Post to your favorite video host, like YouTube, Vimeo, Dropbox, etc.  Provide us a link to the vid, in the form below.  If you are not video experienced, that’s ok too.  Just complete the form.

To achieve the Adventure Pigs Award submit the following form and you will receive your choice of emailed certificate, or real, high quality mailed certificate with a ribbon.

Award Programs

This form is used for all award program entries.

  • Optional
  • Optional This will give the American Mini Pig Association and Training Academy permission to use.
  • If you are unable to share a video, please describe your pigs accomplishments toward earning this award.
    Please select the award category you have submitted for.
    This will be a PDF file emailed to be printed at home. Shipping fees will apply for out of U.S. postage.
  • $0.00



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