What to Know Before You Get a Mini Pig
- Posted by americanminipig
- Date January 28, 2023
What to know before you get a mini pig. Have you ever wondered what is it like to own a mini pig? Have you dreamed to one day own a pig as a pet? Then we have a free course for you! Enroll now for What is it Like to Own a Mini Pig This course will help you learn what to know before you get a mini pig.
Most individuals have never interacted with a mini pig. The majority of pet interactions we have had are with the traditional cat, dog, bird, fish. This means that a large majority of mini pig owners go into the experience with zero firsthand experiences. Even if you grew up without family pets, you have likely had experiences with dogs, cats, etc. through relatives or friends. Mini pigs, not so much. We would like to offer as much information as possible on what it is like to live with a mini pig BEFORE you make the 12+ year commitment.
Here’s the deal. Mini pigs bond very closely with their families. They are highly intelligent and emotional animals. They are a lifetime commitment. When pigs are displaced and force to find new homes, they suffer. They experience depression, they cry tears. They can isolate, they can get aggressive because of all the confusion around losing their people and home. It is not easy to find a new placement for a mini pig. The number of potential quality homes is extremely low compared to those for cats and dogs. Bottom line, living with a pig is a decision that should not be made without lots and lots of thorough research. The best source of information is found on the American Mini Pig Association website. We would also encourage you to join the mini pig community on Facebook. These groups will give you a front row seat to what mini pig owners are living. You can read what their questions are. You will see what their daily joys and challenges are.
Groups including are recommended:
We just want to offer insight into the realities so that you may be 200% confident in your decision to own a mini pig. We hope that this will reduce the number of mini pigs needing a new home due to lack of information on the true positive and negatives.

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